A lost bohemian.
Right now I am so in love with the idea of Romantic Bohemian Florals. This might be due to two reasons; one: Romance and Bohemian just seems like such a fantastical way of thinking, let alone dressing, or two: I just bought my very own rare Bohemian Woodstock dress from a vintage boutique and cannot wait for the next sunny day to wear it. Either way, I suppose it does make sense. There is something so romantic about dusty pastels, small florals, and everything else with the hint of a lost Bohemian. In short, it is really how I personally dress. Sort of. Obviously I have my days when I just have to put on the most sophisticated of all sophisticated outfits (just because I'm in the mood) but I will always let my hair down in the sense that I will have thin Suede beaded bracelets on, or a Pandora charm bracelet, or my hair will be messy and tousselled (a'la Kate Moss) or there will always be something about my look which is never really as high class as it should be. I suppose I just love the idea of a really non-chalant setting and high end designer clothes. Does that actually make sense? Or am I just giving myself an excuse to love this look?
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